Artist Info


G-Pluck Beatles

    Genre : Alternative/Rock

    Performances :

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About This Act :

Genuine Pluck loves to play the Beatles or G-Pluck Band or Trace Bitels Beatles band, such as the implication (G = Genuine / Original or Original , And Pluck = courage or determination), in the hope that name to represent the hope of every personnel in implementing the courage to commit himself into the persona of The Beatles' The Beatles that they seotentik in pursuit of their original songs and music of the Beatles on stage.
In their songs the Beatles have consistently they use the original keys (without transposition), using tools such as the use of The Beatles (guitar, bass drum amps, etc), and live with their slick play tones arrangements in accordance with which we can hear from the collection of LPs of the Beatles, and of course they put on the attributes and style like The Beatles at that time (hair style, clothing, shoes, etc) and do mimic, dialect and impersonation to the four Beatles (John Lennon , Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr) on the stage.
G-Pluck Band Beatles is one of the many bands who remembers the Beatles in a musical in the form of 'special live performance' in the world, and maybe `in class` only one in Indonesia. At first they formed in early 2000, and after going through the process of forging and maturation in some period of their began to conduct some performances up till now they exist exclusively in many stage capital city of Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya in various clubs, cafes and local events, private parties and open, a special community of The Beatles and the general public, local and international expatriate community , at home and abroad. Even their gait was musikIndonesia recorded in history by their participation in the skyline of the cult of the Beatles on BeatleWeek Festival an annual event held in the hometown of the Beatles in Liverpool England.
Their repertoire consists of songs taken from the 13 albums the Beatles added their single songs.
G-Pluck Band Beatles guarded by four musicians who greatly admire the Beatles and is very experienced in their fields especially in the formation of their best work in bringing the Beatles.

In every appearance they are not only chic and precision in the rendition of Beatles music and they also do every impersonation member of the Beatles as their own character like an actor playing a historical figure who was well known by the public. And they act it very well in line with the demonstrated ability to bring their game in the Beatles songs and music on stage live.
Cloud Garnida on vocals and Bass Guitar role as James Paul McCartney, Adnan Sigit on vocals and Rhythm role as John Winston Lennon, Henry HID on vocals and Lead Guitar play as George Harrison and Greg Pratt on vocals and Drums & Percussion berperansebagai Ringo Starr. And they also strengthened by an additional two people on a keyboard player auditional Ramondo Gascaro represent classical arranger Billy Preston and George Martin.